
Tuesday, January 27, 2009


(So I'm clearly going through my old drafts of posts I started but didn't finish or publish because they were crap and nothing came of them. And now I'm publishing them. You can thank me later.)

Favorite thing: MacBook, I love you.
Favorite song: Crash This Train (Acoustic) - Joshua James or You've Got Growing Up To Do (feat. Patty Griffin) - Joshua Radin or Keep the Car Running - Arcade Fire
Favorite evening: handing out Halloween candy with my sister
Favorite time: we had an actual autumn this year
Favorite meal: Teddy's Bigger Burgers on Oahu, slight breeze, warm sun, tan skin, dry bathing suit, friend sitting across from me
Favorite accomplishment: Dale Car.negie class
Most fun: MIKA concerts in Philly & NYC
Favorite sound: cutest nephew in his Halloween costume saying RAWR!
Most relaxed: outdoor James Taylor concert at Tanglewood on July 4th, Yo-Yo Ma playing on "Sweet Baby James"
Most thankful: having my gallbladder attack while living in the States and not on a military base in Japan
Best book: My Favourite Wife by Tony Parsons 
Favorite Twitter: Dooce, "Headed to Labor Day lunch with my Republican family. Told Jon I would fucking deck him if he so much as whispered the word Palin."
Favorite post:

Missed Connection

Dear Very Attractive Man, With Beard, Reading 'Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close' Outside Peet's Coffee On Sunset Boulevard This Morning, 

That is a very good book. 

The Semi-Attractive Geek You Didn't Even Look At As He Walked By Fondling You With His Eyes


  1. You are so kind!

    I always love seeing what you have to say. Here's to sharing the experience!


  2. that can't possibly be true, but i greatly appreciate the sentiment. you're very, very kind.

  3. It's true. It's all true. And I actually decided I like your March Madness posts. I have no idea what you're talking about, but your passion is electric!
